Brasil: Dívida externa, fluxo e BRL
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abaixo alguns novos desdobramentos negativos da Operação Lava-Jato.
Aparentemente, a Odedrecht Oil & Gas foi bloqueada para fazer novos
contratos com a Petrobras. A notícia é mais um “headwind” para o mercado de dívida corporativa externa brasileira,
especialmente após o default da OAS.
O inicio do ano é geralmente marcado por uma janela de emissões corporativas e
soberanas no mercado internacional. Vários países e empresas ao redor do mundo
já anunciaram emissões neste começo de 2015. O mercado para o Brasil, contudo,
continua fechado. A Petrobras e o Tesouro costumam ser os primeiros a emitir,
até mesmo para criar parâmetro na curva externa. A notícia é negativa para o fluxo cambial de começo de ano.
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abaixo comentário da ML sobre o tem.
Yesterday Odebrecht Oil & Gas yesterday received a
notice that its ability to bid on new proposals for Petrobras has been
provisionally blocked. Odebrecht (CNO)
had previously received this notice on Dec. 31st. In speaking with CNO last
night, they indicated they thought this was an "administrative error"
and is seeking to have the ruling over-turned.
Nonetheless, will be negative for drill-ship bonds today, particularly
the 7% Perpetuals issued in June of Odebrecht Oil and Gas (TK: OOGCOR). Other drill-ship bonds also likely to be hit
today but less so. Contacted QGOG Constellation last night but have not heard
back so far today and nothing has been posted on their website. Most investors
with whom i have spoken over the past month have thought the drill-rig
companies were probably the last on the list to be affected.... so if this is
in fact accurate, it adds further pain to the Petrobras saga. The largest client
by far (90%+) of all drill rig companies in Brazil is Petrobras. (From ML)
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