Novas realizações de lucros pontuais e localizadas. Nikkei e JPY são a bola da vez!

Os ativos de risco estão operando próximos a estabilidade neste momento. O destaque da noite ficou por conta de uma forte queda do Nikkei, no Japão, em mais um claro movimento técnico de correção/realização de lucros dos mercados. Vale lembrar que o mesmo movimento, talvez não pelos mesmos motivos, ocorreu nos ativos emergentes nas últimas 2 a 3 semanas. O Morgan Stanley tratou a queda de seguinte forma:

USDJPY and flows. This morning’s 3.6% fall in the Nikkei, which is correcting as we write, has been a wake-up call that markets are likely to see fragility as investor positioning increases and the global market builds short volatility strategies. Our Japan equity strategists have looked into the technicals here post the Japanese election and note that earnings have been particularly strong in Japan and the recent rally has been supported by foreign purchases since the end of September. USDJPY is still following the real 10y interest rate differential but we think it is foreign investor flows that have increasingly become drivers of the currency. For example, over recent weeks, Japanese investors have reduced foreign asset purchases as bond volatility picked up. Normally that would result in a narrowing of the USDJPY basis but actually it has widened. At the same time, foreign investors were big buyers of Japanese equities, supporting the rally from the end of September. In the past week we saw the dynamic slightly changing with foreigners net selling Japanese equities, suggesting the domestic community may be selling foreign bonds and replacing with domestic equities. Japan’s inflation expectations keep rising, which limits the upside for the JPY. As soon as that inflation dynamic changes, we would no longer sell the JPY. That isn’t the case today.

Na China, o CPI e o PPI ficaram praticamente dentro das expectativas do mercado, com uma leve alta do CPI e estabilidade do PPI nas comparações em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. Os números não alteram o cenário para a política monetária no país.

No Brasil, a mídia voltou a dar atenção total e completa ao novo debate em torno da “nova” e mais enxuta Reforma da Previdência. Ainda parece cedo para fazer qualquer prognostico de aprovação das medidas colocadas pelo Governo, junto ao Congresso.


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