Fed Powell:


Achei um pouco mais dovish do que as falas recentes pela seguinte passagem abaixo. Porta aberta para cair 25bps ou 50bps se cenário piorar mais. Acho que ainda muda pouco o cenário mais desafiador. O mercado pode se animar com a possibilidade dos 50bps, mas o mundo segue em situação bastante negativa. Vale ressaltar, me parece que precisa piorar o cenário para ele cair 50bps no próximo FOMC:

Turning to the current context, we are carefully watching developments as we assess their implications for the U.S. outlook and the path of monetary policy. The three weeks since our July FOMC meeting have been eventful, beginning with the announcement of new tariffs on imports from China. We have seen further evidence of a global slowdown, notably in Germany and China. Geopolitical events have been much in the news, including the growing possibility of a hard Brexit, rising tensions in Hong Kong, and the dissolution of the Italian government. Financial markets have reacted strongly to this complex, turbulent picture. Equity markets have been volatile. Long-term bond rates around the world have moved down sharply to near post-crisis lows. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy has continued to perform well overall, driven by consumer spending. Job creation has slowed from last year's pace but is still above overall labor force growth. Inflation seems to be moving up closer to 2 percent. Based on our assessment of the implications of these developments, we will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion, with a strong labor market and inflation near its symmetric 2 percent objective.


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