Com o petróleo caindo 3.5% neste
momento, voltando aos lows de $63.5 atingidos a alguns dias atrás, a
Rússia volta ao foco como um risco real e crescente para a economia mundial e
os mercados financeiros globais. Os juros de 1 ano abriram 200bps para 17.5%
(contra uma taxa básica de 9.5%), O RUB deprecia 1.6% e a bolsa local caiu mais
4.2%, atingindo um novo low desde 2009.
O artigo do The Guardin abaixo explica
bem os riscos que uma nova rodada de deterioração na Rússia podem incorrer
sobre o resto do mundo.
Why a Moscow meltdown
could spread around the globe
Despite the relatively small size of the Russian economy, an economic
crisis could still trigger problems worldwide
Russia matters. It mattered in 1998 when the shock
waves from its debt default reverberated around the world. And it would matter
again should the plunging oil price lead to economic collapse. That’s despite
the fact that Russia is a massive land mass with a
relatively small economy. It accounts for only 3% of global GDP and it is
dominated by an energy sector that is responsible for 70% of exports.
To an extent, the structure of Russia’s economy should
mitigate contagion risks. Lacking a modern manufacturing sector, it is not
vital for global supply chains and, in theory, any other energy producer could
make good the disruption to oil and gas supplies in the event of a deep and
damaging recession.
But there are at least five ways in which a
crisis for Russia could spread. Russia’s immediate problems have been caused by
the sharp drop in the price of crude and it is not the only one to be
suffering. Venezuela and Iran are finding it hard to cope with oil down at $70
a barrel. If Russia goes, it will be a case of: who’s next?
Second, Russia still has close economic
links with eastern Europe, so a collapse would have serious consequences for
countries such as Poland and an already imploding Ukraine. Western Europe,
too, would be affected if for any reason gas supplies through Russia’s pipeline
were cut off.
Third, confidence would be hit. Germany’s
weak economic performance since the spring can, in part, be attributed to the
gloomier economic mood. The slowdown in the rest of the eurozone has probably
had a bigger impact on German activity but the tension between Moscow and Kiev
has certainly not helped. Russia might be enough to tip Germany into recession,
which in turn would be enough to ensure that the European Central Bank began a
quantitative easing programme.
Fourth, nobody is quite sure how Vladimir Putin,
pictured, would respond to the most challenging economic circumstances since
1998. Any confidence effects from an economic crisis
would be exacerbated by the knowledge that Russia is controlled by a president
able to make felt his country’s still considerable geo-political and military
Finally, the assumption is that financial
market exposure to Russia is relatively limited given that overseas banks had
$209bn (£134bn) of loans to Russia when sanctions were imposed in March. On the
face of it, western investors do not look all that vulnerable and have had time
to get their money out. But that was also the assumption in 1998, when Barclays
had to set aside £250m to cover its Russian losses. Financial trades are now so
complex and leveraged, it is impossible to know for sure how big losses might
be this time.
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